Thursday, June 5, 2008

Potty training??

For the last week or so every time I get Lorelei (20 months) out of bed she heads straight for her diapers and insists I change hers. Not that I wouldn't anyway but now she is adamant. Also, earlier as I was working on the computer she comes over with a clean diaper. Just as I was wondering, why?, I got a good whiff of her. Does this mean she is ready for potty training? Or does it mean she is just now getting bothered by the mess? I know there are some children/babies that cry when they are dirty but neither of my children has EVER been bothered by it, until now.

1 comment:

Stacy Ebo said...

So, our children are tracking. Anna won't leave her diaper on. If it gets dirty she takes it off! I wish she just brought me a clean diaper! We're going to start potty training next week. I'll let you know how it goes. Personally, she seems a little young to me, but I'm going to try it. I'd love to save money on diapers!